
Horse&meBlazenka Brysha is a Melbourne-based writer, freelance arts journalist, dance critic and publisher who has been writing professionally since 1980. She is also a free culture activist and one expression of that is her Facebook Page initiative Project Borovansky.

Her principal interest is in documentation, through critical engagement, of the world she inhabits and she uses this approach in writing both fiction and non-fiction. In recent years, she has been working from the perspective that all writing is essentially autobiographical even when it is based on fantasy that is completely divorced from the factual details of the writer’s life.

She is strongly committed to electronic publishing as the way of the future, on both philosophical and environmental grounds. To that end, in partnership with her husband, print businessman and flexo-prepress expert Cameron Wilson,  she has launched the digital publishing house BryshaWilson Press. It specialises in literary and culturally valuable works by new and established authors, in which conventional, market-driven mainstream publishing has no interest.

Until 2005, she was a frequent contributor to the mainstream media, both press and radio . She is a former Associate Editor Dance Australia magazine, dance critic The Herald, 1987-89; dance critic ABC Radio 3LO/Melbourne 774, 1989-2000; dance critic HeraldSun 1997-98; ballet critic HeraldSun 1999-2004. From 2003 to 2005 she also ran her own web site www.bbdance.com.au on which she ran extended reviews of dance performances as well as other dance features. She wrote the entry on Ballet in Melbourne for the The Encyclopedia of Melbourne edited by Andrew Brown-May and Shurlee Swain (Cambridge University Press, 2005). http://www.emelbourne.net.au/biogs/EM00147b.htm.

Her dance background includes practice ranging from classical ballet, through indigenous forms to ideokinesis. Since 1996 she has been a practicing martial artist, senior rank at the World Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy, under Grandmaster William Cheung and Sifu Dana Wong; now training under Sifu Dana Wong and Sihing Geoff Wheeler at the Qian Li Dao Academy.

Blazenka holds a Bachelor of Arts (combined honours English Literature and Politics) and a Graduate Diploma of Education, both from the University of Melbourne and a Diploma of Arts (Interior Decoration and Design) from RMIT.