Letter to the Prime Minister of Australia


Monday, 27 June, 2011

The Hon Julia Gillard MP

Prime Minister

Parliament House


Re: Ban on Live Export of Australian Animals for slaughter

Dear Ms Gillard,

If you have ever driven behind a truck carrying livestock, while heading from your home in Altona to your office in Werribee, you would be aware that the animals endure a good deal of suffering on their trips to Australian abattoirs, although Australian standards are rigorous in the protection of animals from as much suffering as possible. As a meat-consuming society, we do our best to minimise the pain endured by livestock.

However, the horror of live export in itself, together with some of the barbaric things that are done to Australian livestock in other countries cannot be tolerated by any humane society.

Please do everything to ban the live export of Australian animals.

Yours sincerely,


(contact details supplied, sent by Australia Post 27/6/2011)

PostScript: Some months later, a reply from a ministerial staffer arrived, acknowledging receipt. My letter had been prompted by an experience on the very stretch of road that Gillard would travel from her home to her electorate office. I was driving behind a fully loaded cattle truck and saw the leg of a cow sticking out at right angles through the railing. The animal must have been in agony. So much cruelty is inflicted on livestock, unwittingly and unintentionally; by banning live export we can at least save animals from the tortures they are forced to endure in countries whose practices would be prosecuted under our laws. Not only did Gillard’s government fail to do anything but Abbott’s government is stepping up export. (21.6.2014)

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